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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Private Eyes Optometry a proud provider of vision care products and services in Orange.


Dr. Vanessa Hsu was born in Vietnam but was forced to flee at the age of 3. She lived in Sweden until the age of 12, when she came to the United States and pursued her dream of helping people. She found her passion in the field of eye care. Dr. Hsu graduated from UCLA with a degree in Japanese Languages and Cultures, and then went on to receive her doctorate degree from Southern California College of Optometry in 2002. She was the recipient of the distinguished Dr. Charles A. Abel Scholarship honoring clinical excellence in family practice.

Dr. Hsu is a member of the American Optometric Association, California Optometric Association, Orange Chamber of Commerce, and Vision Source — the premier network of private practice optometrists.

Having lived in Sweden and studied a different culture, Dr. Hsu loves getting to know her patients on a personal level. She always has the patients’ best interest at heart. She enjoys playing tennis and volleyball, and loves to travel and experience different foods. She lives with her husband, two sons and two daughters.


Dr. Analyn Dizon graduated from California State University, Hayward with a degree in Biological Sciences and a minor in Chemistry. Her compassion for others led her to work in the healthcare field as an Optometric Assistant. From that experience she found her passion for Optometry. She pursued that passion and obtained her Doctor of Optometry degree at Southern California College of Optometry in 2008. Dr. Dizon is a member of the American Optometric Association and California Optometric Association.


Jose has 10 years of experience working in the optical field. He is knowledgeable both in the fabrication and selection of specialty lenses. He enjoys working with patients and tailors each experience according to their needs. When he is not working with our patients, he loves to paint portraits with acrylics on canvas, and play bass guitar as well as sing in a band.